Fresh Royal Jelly
Honey & Royal Jelly & Maple Syrup
Product Overview
Royal Jelly is produced by worker bees that is used in the nutrition of all bee larvae after three days the drone and worker bee larvae are no longer fed with Royal Jelly but queen larvae continue to be fed this special substance throughout their development and thereafter adult queen bee eat it continuously as own food for life time. And queen bee lives over three years and lays more than one million eggs during her life but worker bee lives two or three months.
Royal Jelly contains many important vitamins such the B vitamins as well as vitamins A, K, D, C and E, and 12 essential minerals including calcium, zinc, magnesium and potassium. also royal jelly contains a high concentration of amino acids since most of us fail to get the necessary daily requirements of vitamins and minerals from our diets, taking Royal Jelly can help balance these nutritional deficiencies. Our Raw Royal Jelly is premium raw product. It has a smooth, creamy texture. Due to it’s strong taste, when you take Royal Jelly we recommend mixing it with a teaspoon of our raw honey it will be felt more soft taste.
Major Effect
Royal Jelly is highly effective to strengthen immune system in body and provide powerful energy, vitality and Royal Jelly has ingredients that slow the aging process in people as well, also used to as anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antibiotic especially the 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid(10-HDA) found in Royal Jelly inhibit the vascularization of tumors. Also Royal Jelly is incomparable in it’s ability to enhance both physical and mental performance.
Product Usage
Available in
- 100g glass bottle
- 250g glass bottle
Suggested Use : Take 1 small teaspoon twice a day, empty stomach before the meal at morning time and before at bed time, do not take with hot food.